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Stress, Everyday Tasks, and Quality of Life With Breast Cancer: See Survey Results

Written by Beth Schneider
Posted on August 23, 2023

  • In a recent survey, over 80 percent of MyBCTeam members surveyed reported experiencing stress, depression, or anxiety.
  • Breast cancer also takes a social toll, with 61 percent of respondents reporting negative effects on their family.
  • Despite only half of respondents reporting that breast cancer treatment was affordable, the large majority are satisfied with the care they’ve received, especially with the doctor treating their cancer.

MyBCTeam sometimes conducts surveys on topics of interest to our more than 64,000 members, inviting them to weigh in about their experiences. Most recently, we asked members questions related to their quality of life and how living with breast cancer has affected it.

Below, we share the results of our member survey, so our community can hear each other’s voices and learn, collectively, about how having breast cancer changes quality of life.

What Questions Were on the Survey?

The survey was answered by 945 MyBCTeam members living in the United States who had been diagnosed with breast cancer.

Survey questions covered:

  • The physical, social, and emotional impact of breast cancer
  • Members’ access to and ability to afford health care
  • Members’ satisfaction with the doctor who treats their breast cancer

Here’s a breakdown of what MyBCTeam members had to say on these topics.

The Emotional and Social Impact of Breast Cancer

Seventy-three percent of MyBCTeam members surveyed shared that breast cancer has interfered with their quality of life, while 67 percent said it makes it harder to do everyday chores and 57 percent said it disrupts their social life. Sixty-one percent of respondents felt their diagnosis had also negatively impacted their loved ones.

Members also shared the mental health challenges associated with breast cancer, with 86 percent indicating that breast cancer has caused stress and 81 percent reporting feeling anxious or depressed.

Breast cancer also made it harder for a majority of survey participants to exercise and attend work or school.

Satisfaction With Breast Cancer Treatment

The survey also asked members a range of questions about their satisfaction with breast cancer treatment, their cancer physician, and the affordability of treatment.

Breast Cancer Doctors

A majority of people who responded to the survey (72 percent) reported being very satisfied with the doctor treating their breast cancer.

Breast Cancer Treatment Regimen

Most people who answered the survey have had some type of breast cancer treatment, including surgery (82 percent), radiation (62 percent), and chemotherapy (51 percent). Fifty-eight percent who had undergone treatment were very satisfied, and only 7 percent expressed little to no satisfaction with their treatment.

Treatment Access and Affordability

While only 52 percent of respondents feel treatment has been affordable, most members who answered the survey indicated they’ve been able to easily contact their doctor and get the tests and procedures they need. Seventy-three percent feel they’ve received quality care overall.

Talk With Others Who Understand

MyBCTeam is the social network for people living with breast cancer and their loved ones. On MyBCTeam, more than 64,000 members come together to ask questions, give advice, and share their stories with others who understand what it’s like to have been diagnosed with breast cancer.

How has breast cancer impacted your quality of life? What advice do you have for others? Describe your experience in the comments below, or start a conversation by posting on your Activities page.

Posted on August 23, 2023

A MyBCTeam Member

I love my care team and doctor here at TX Oncology in Marshall, TX. They are always here for me day or night. However, I am always tired and never feel like doing anything. I give out of energy just… read more

posted November 25, 2023
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Beth Schneider has been a market research professional for over 35 years. She focuses on both survey research and social listening analysis. Learn more about her here.

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