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9 Breast Cancer Symptoms You Should Know: Itchiness, Rashes, and More

Medically reviewed by Maybell Nieves, M.D.
Written by Sarah Winfrey
Updated on October 4, 2024

“Never skip your yearly mammogram!” shared one MyBCTeam member. “I had no symptoms.”

Most of the time, breast cancer is found via a screening mammogram, often before any symptoms become noticeable. However, some people find out they have breast cancer when they experience symptoms and go to their doctor. It’s important to recognize which symptoms may indicate breast cancer so you know when to seek medical care.

These symptoms may point to breast cancer, but they can also be caused by other health situations that aren’t as serious. That’s why it’s important to see a health care provider right away if you’re experiencing any of these symptoms. They can recommend testing, identify the cause, and make sure you get the right treatment.

It’s also important to note that the symptoms of breast cancer are not the same as the side effects of breast cancer treatment. If you’re undergoing treatment, you may experience a different set of symptoms than the ones you see here. That said, here are some of the most common symptoms of breast cancer.

1. Clear or Bloody Nipple Discharge

Some people experience nipple discharge as a symptom of breast cancer. It’s often clear or bloody and is not breast milk. If you’re not breastfeeding and notice any nipple discharge, it’s a good idea to talk to your doctor.

On MyBCTeam, members have experienced different types of nipple discharge. One said, “The nipple discharge was very small and was watery and white and it came out of a very tiny area of my nipple.” Another shared, “I had a bloody discharge. … It was cancer in my other breast after five years.”

If you’re not breastfeeding and notice any nipple discharge, it’s a good idea to talk to your doctor.

2. A New Lump in the Breast or Armpit

A lump in your breast tissue can be a sign of breast cancer. These are usually hard and may or may not be painful. Note that breasts are naturally lumpy to some degree, so you’re looking out for a new breast lump or tissue that doesn’t feel like the rest of the tissue around it. Some people have breast tissue that extends into the armpit area. Be sure to check for lumps in this area and let your doctor know if you find any.

Members of MyBCTeam have experienced lumps, with different outcomes. One explained, “I knew immediately because it felt different than my usual lumpy breasts. It was hard and felt like a pea.” Another member had their lump turn out to be something else. “I found a lump on my left breast, which the doctor thinks is fat necrosis based on a 3D mammogram,” they shared. It’s important to get all lumps checked out. A biopsy may be needed to get an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment if it turns out to be breast cancer.

Although lumps are often discussed, you may not realize that not everyone who gets diagnosed with breast cancer finds one. That’s why knowing other potential symptoms is also key.

3. Changes in Breast Tissue

If your breast tissue changes in any way, it may be a sign of breast cancer. According to, your breasts may start to feel thicker, or men with breast cancer may experience thickening in their chest area. You might also start to experience pain in your breasts or under your arms. This can be a sign of one type of breast cancer called inflammatory breast cancer.

For some people, the breast skin starts to look different. It may appear thicker and discolored, and the pores may seem to get bigger. Some describe this skin change as orange peel skin (also called peau d’orange). The skin may also seem swollen or have sunken areas like pits, which is sometimes called dimpling. One member of MyBCTeam wrote, “The only indication that I had breast cancer was an indentation in my breast when I raised both arms in front of my bathroom mirror.”

4. Changes in Breast Size or Shape

Anytime your breast looks or feels different, it’s time to talk to a doctor. Breasts may change size or shape, so getting to know your breasts and what’s normal for you helps you tell if something changes. Healthy breasts may be different sizes or shapes from each other, which may be normal for you. The key is to recognize that something has changed — for instance, if one breast starts to look larger or smaller than the other one when they used to be the same size and shape. Swelling in one breast may be a sign of inflammatory breast cancer.

If you notice changes in the direction your nipple points or if it turns inward, this may be a symptom of breast cancer.

5. Feelings of Warmth or Burning

Sometimes, one breast feels warmer than the other. This can be another sign of inflammatory breast cancer. That breast may also feel like it itches, burns, or aches. “Mine started as an itchy breast years before I got diagnosed,” said one MyBCTeam member.

If there’s a noticeable temperature difference or other sensation between your breasts or between one area of your breast and another, it’s time to talk to your doctor.

6. Color Change or Rash on the Skin of Your Breast

Breast cancer can cause many different changes to the skin of your breast. It may look red, pink, or purple, depending on your skin tone. These usually cover at least a third of your breast. However, any redness or other skin tone change is something to note. Some people also get a rash. It might look like a bugbite or a bruise, but it could be an indication of breast cancer.

7. Tender or Painful Nipples

According to the American Cancer Society, just like with breast pain, nipple pain can be a sign of breast cancer especially among men. Cleveland Clinic notes that some women may experience nipple tenderness as part of their period. It’s important to know your body and what’s normal for you so you can get medical advice if you’re experiencing pain at a time of the month when you usually don’t or if your pain is worse than usual.

8. Discolored, Scaly, or Itchy Skin on Your Nipple or Areola

Other nipple symptoms can also be signs of breast cancer. If your nipples become discolored, scaly, or flaky, it’s time to see a doctor. Nipple or areola rash may or may not itch, and it can appear alongside other symptoms, like swelling and/or pitting of the skin around the nipple.

Because these symptoms can also be caused by mastitis or skin conditions like eczema or dermatitis, it’s important to have a doctor examine you to find out what’s going on.

9. Nipple Turning Inward

If you notice changes in the direction your nipple points or if it seems like it’s trying to invert, you may be experiencing signs of breast cancer. “For me, the nipple was inverted because the tumor was on the underside, pulling the nipple down,” reported one member.

It helps to know what your nipples usually look like so you’re more likely to notice these breast changes right away. Healthy breasts may have an inverted nipple, which could be normal for you. If your nipples look unusual in any way, talk to a doctor as soon as possible.

Symptoms of Metastatic Breast Cancer

Metastatic breast cancer develops when cells from a breast tumor break off and spread throughout the body. These cancer cells are transported through the lymphatic system (the lymph nodes) and then develop tumors in new locations. Metastatic breast cancer is also known as stage 4 breast cancer. You can be diagnosed first with metastatic breast cancer or develop it later, no matter what form or stage of breast cancer you were originally diagnosed with.

Metastatic breast cancer can cause symptoms in other parts of your body, including headaches, problems with urination, and back, chest, or joint paint.

The symptoms a person with metastatic breast cancer experiences depend on where in the body tumors develop. Symptoms of metastatic breast cancer can include:

  • Pain that doesn’t go away, especially in the back, joints, or bones
  • Numbness or weakness in a particular area of the body
  • Frequent urination or being unable to pee
  • Trouble breathing
  • A dry cough that doesn’t go away
  • Bloating or pain in the abdomen
  • Persistent nausea or vomiting, which may be accompanied by weight loss
  • Chest pain
  • Loss of appetite or less appetite
  • Trouble seeing
  • Severe headaches
  • Jaundice (a yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes)
  • Seizures
  • Confusion
  • Balance loss
  • Unexplained fatigue
  • Changes in mood
  • Trouble speaking
  • Constant feeling of unwellness

If you experience any of these symptoms, talk to your doctor right away. They should be able to get you the testing you need to determine if you have cancer that has spread. Then you can choose the breast cancer treatment options that are best for you.

Find Your Team

On MyBCTeam, the social network for people with breast cancer and their loved ones, more than 73,000 members come together to ask questions, give advice, and share their stories with others who understand life with breast cancer.

Did you experience symptoms before you were diagnosed with breast cancer? Which symptoms did you notice? Share your experience in the comments below, or start a conversation by posting on your Activities page.

Maybell Nieves, M.D. graduated from Central University of Venezuela, where she completed medical school and general surgery training. Learn more about her here.
Sarah Winfrey is a writer at MyHealthTeam. Learn more about her here.

A MyBCTeam Member

I would like to remind everyone to also check your armpits for lumps or anything else that is causing discomfort. Breast cancer can spread to armpits.

January 24
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