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Ready to Stop Judging Yourself?

Posted on May 23, 2018

"I was tired of hearing my harshest critic, the little voice in my head, so I became more kind to myself." -Member of MyBCTeam

You may judge yourself and others every day without realizing it. Like many members of MyBCTeam facing breast cancer, you may judge yourself when you look in the mirror, when you forget something, or when you falter with an everyday task. The problem is when you let these internal judgments shape belief in

Here are recent conversations from members on MyBCTeam:

"Chemo days are over. My hair started to come out 6 weeks after chemo. Life goes on and can be good after breast cancer diagnosis. Don't despair. Rough times pass to give rise to a new normal and peaceful life."

"Good morning ladies!! Remember whatever is in your path today, you got this! You are all strong, beautiful, resilient women!! I hope each of you has a wonderful day!!"

"Hello, all! Hope you're all having a good day. Today I decided to take a sick day which I never do but felt the need to just do something for me."

Experts in mindfulness and self-care recommend pausing a moment when you find you're judging yourself. Be aware of these judgments. Ask yourself where they're coming from. Use the moment to be gentle and compassionate with yourself.

Do you recall a time when you were particularly harsh or critical of yourself? What are you doing to show yourself more kindness in those moments? Share that moment in the comments below or directly on MyBCTeam.

Posted on May 23, 2018

A MyBCTeam Member


February 7, 2022
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