What Is The Difference Betwen Stage And Grade?
Triple Negaitve Stage 2A
Mine was Grade 3, I finished active treatment in Jan 2020, and so far, so good!
Hang in there, you are doing great! Hugs!
I am Her 2 positive hormone negative. Grade 2, Stage 2A. No lymph involvement. Tumor was 2.1 cm. Finished 6 rounds of TCHP chemo, 20 rounds of radiation and am currently doing herceptin and perjeta infusions every 3 weeks. My last one is Sept. 16 2024. Wishing you all the best!!!
Basically, for the Grade they look at the characteristics of the cells that make up the tumor, which lets them know if the cells are Grade 1 (slower growing) 2 (moderate) or 3 (more aggressive).
The Stage is more about how advanced /invasive the cancer is.
My diagnosis was HER2+, Stage 2a. It was still localized, in the breast, but had invaded the ductal tissue. The size was considered worrisome (2.7 cm) but fortunately the lymph nodes were clear.
Wishing you all the best with your protocols! Hugs!
What Is The Difference Between Stage And Grade?
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